Thursday, July 22, 2010


A thought just came to me while i was listening to Kim Walker today. The song started off with the word "worthy" she repeated you're so worthy over and over again. Then it came to me, when we say that the lord is worthy we never actually acknowledge how much we are not.
We here every day about people and how "they" made it out and how "they" put themselves on top. However we fail to actually grasp the fact that we are not in any way worthy to magnify our selves or our own mediocrity and what we believe to be an accomplishment. I sit and I think of all of the many times that I have screwed up or made mistakes. I never once boasted or brought attention to myself then, I never pointed at my flaws and said "hey look at what i can do!!" So with that being the case, I now realize what being worthy of honor glory and power actually means.It means that in order for us to receive full credit for the all of the great things that we accomplish our good must out weigh our bad. I don't know about you but that isn't the case with me.So now you ask what is the point? Why try to accomplish great things in this life? why over come difficult situations in life? and what is the point if we cant take full credit? Christ, Christ makes it worth it all He is the only one that was blameless, the only one that truly had more good in him than bad. But with all this being true he still said, "I do what I see the father do" this means that even though he could take credit for being the one and only perfect man he still pointed to the much more should we do the same...he alone is worthy....

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